This course will be interesting for anyone who would like to learn how to create unique gorgeous patterns using modern stitches of embroidery on tulle, to develop creative abilities and to enjoy the process along the way.

As a result you will get:

— Downloadable class resources, including a printable shopping list, guides to color and stitches.;

— 9 Streaming HD video lessons with anytime, anywhere access with a close-up instructions.

Ссылка на это место страницы: #pro


— Wooden embroidery hoop 18-20 cm
— Eurotulle 30×30 cm 
— Disappearing Felt Marker 
— Tapestry needles № 28
 — Needle threader
— Scissors 
— DMC Thread 
The training was developed for those who are not afraid of trying something brand-new!

Ссылка на это место страницы: #vopro


Is the course suitable for beginners?

Yes, the course is suitable for any level of preparation!The abstracts are attached to each video lesson.

Is the course complicated?

The art of embroidery is not an easy one, but once you get used to the chaos and improvisation with threads, their shades, you will be able to create anything with just a couple of stitches.
We want you to expand the horizons of your vision about embroidery.

What I will get at the end of the course?

Learn how to decorate your favorite clothes with threads and beads!Learn how to promote and sell your own products on Instagram. Get answers to all interesting questions about the style and technique of embroidery.

Are the materials expensive, and where can I buy them?

Not at all! All materials can be purchased on Etsy/Amazon!

Ссылка на это место страницы: #otzovi
Ссылка на это место страницы: #priob
Ссылка на это место страницы: #sign-up